
Sydney Modern – The NSW Art Gallery

Campbelltown Hospital

University Of Wollongong – Arts & Social Sciences Building

The Foundry Liverpool

Al Haram Al Madani Expansion

Granville Shopping Centre Complex

Plaza Villawood

David Jones Store Upgrading – Castlereagh St Sydney CBD

Casting And Forging Plant Ras Al-Khair Industrial City

Al Rissalah College

Ashfield Civic Centre


Metro Village Rosebery NSW

Stamford Cosmopolitan

Kincoppal Residence Elizabeth Bay NSW

SP 16550 at Elizabeth Bay NSW


Mascot Towers


The Parkside

8 Phillip Street

Lane Cove

Villawood Mable


Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport

Ashbury Terraces

Charlie Parker

Neue Epping

47 Pedestrian Mall Villawood

Intelligent Transport Systems maintenance

High-End Mansion

Parramatta Underground Carpark